Terms and Conditions

These Landscaping services terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) are the only terms that govern the sale and provision of Services, as defined below, by LNG Landscapes, LLC. (“LNG”). You, the party receiving the Services from LNG, may be referred to within the Agreement, as defined below, as “You” or “Customer”, while LNG and Customer are sometimes referred to within this Agreement individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” Any accompanying quote, proposal, order acknowledgment, or invoice issued by LNG, if any, (individually or collectively, the “Order”) and these Terms (the Order and Terms referred to as the “Agreement”) comprise the entire agreement between LNG and the customer (“customer”), are valid and applicable to LNG’s provision of Services to Customer upon Customer’s receipt of Services, without having to be signed by Customer, and supersede all prior and/or contemporaneous communications, understandings or agreements (whether verbal or written) between You and LNG. These Terms prevail over any of Customer’s general terms or conditions of purchase, acknowledgement, acceptance, receipt, or other terms or forms, regardless of whether or when Customer submitted its order or alternate terms (“Customer’s Forms”). Neither the failure of LNG to object to Customer’s Forms nor the fulfillment of Customer’s order will (i) constitute acceptance of Customer’s Forms or (ii) serve to modify or amend these Terms or the Agreement. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these Terms and those set forth in the Order, then the specific modification(s) noted in the Order will govern and control.


  1. Services.
    During the Term (as defined below), LNG shall perform the landscape services described in the Order, which generally consist of paver patio install, mulch bed install, rock bed install, retaining wall install, snow removal, lawn mowing, trimming, general clean-up, landscape plant bed management, trimming/shaping of shrubs, spring/fall property clean-up and various related landscaping services (collectively, the “Services”) for Customer, at the location(s) identified in the Order (the “Service Location(s)”). Unless expressly set forth in an Order, this Agreement excludes watering and
    yard-waste and/or trash removal. LNG Landscapes may change job start date up to 2 weeks and must complete the job in a timely manner according to that discussed and signed in the estimate, unless acts of God or changes to the job ensue. Customer may request changes to the Services at any time upon written request (including email and/or text) to LNG, provided that the Parties shall enter into a written amendment to the Order documenting any adjustments to the Services and resulting changes to the Fees, Service Location(s), Services, Job area (Square Feet), Shape of design, and/or other terms prior to implementation of any such change(s) and Customer shall be responsible to pay LNG an administrative fee of up to $50 per change to signed transactions excluding the changing of unordered products for job site such as changing of brick/stone type, plants, and edging type, but does not exclude .                                                                                                   
    LNG shall provide all necessary and adequate personnel, materials, tools, equipment and vehicles necessary to perform the Services at the Service Location(s) unless discussed differently in the signed estimate. LNG shall make the final determination of when Services are necessary at any Service Location. Customer acknowledges that Services may be delayed or unavailable in the event of inclement weather conditions. LNG reserves the right to delay or stop work during such inclement conditions so as not to create unsafe working conditions for its employees and contractors.
    2.  Fees and Payment.
    Subject to this Section 2, 50% of signed contract price must be paid 1 week in advance and final 50% shall be paid within 1 week of job completion. As the sole consideration for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, Customer shall pay LNG all invoiced fees in accordance with and as set forth in the Order and/or in this Agreement (the “Fees”). Any estimates Services will be taxed until Customer has a tax resale certificate on file with LNG. Time and material fees shall be based on hours of service (rounded up to the nearest hour).
    LNG may, in its sole discretion, increase Fees by up to ten percent (10%) at the beginning of each contract year upon written notice to Customer (which notice may be contained in the first invoice of the season).
    (a) Invoices and Payment. LNG will invoice a Customer on a monthly or weekly basis, and Customer will incur a ten percent (10%) administrative fee if it requires billing on any other schedule. Unless otherwise agreed by LNG in writing, Customer agrees to make full payment of all Fees within thirty (30) days of the date of LNG’s invoice, in U.S. Dollars. A DELINQUENCY CHARGE OF ONE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (1-1/2%) PER MONTH OR EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18%) PER ANNUM OF ANY OUTSTANDING BALANCE NOT PAID WHEN DUE WILL BE ADDED UNTIL PAYMENT IS MADE IN FULL; provided, however, that the delinquency charge shall not exceed the maximum interest rate allowable by applicable law. LNG’s receipt and acceptance of any payment less than the full amount due shall not waive any rights of LNG. LNG may set off any amount due from Customer, whether or not under this Agreement, against any amount due Customer hereunder. All costs and expenses, including but not limited to collection fees and reasonable attorney’s fees for the collection of any overdue amount due LNG, shall be paid by Customer.
    (b) Record Requests. Subject to this Section 2(b), Customer may request copies of LNG’s records and documentation related to any Services (and resulting Fees) for a period of thirty (30) days following the date such Services and Fees are invoiced to Customer. LNG has no obligation to respond to or comply with any Customer requests for records or documentation that are received at any time following this thirty (30) day request period. Customer will be charged a reasonable administrative fee at the time it submits any records request, and LNG will have a reasonable period of time (not less than seven (7) calendar days) to retrieve and deliver the requested documentation to Customer. 
  1. Term.
    This Agreement shall commence upon the later of (a) the Effective Date set forth in the Order, (b) the date that Customer signs and delivers the fully executed Order to LNG or (c) the date that is fourteen (14) days after Customer completes Services On-Boarding Meeting with LNG personnel, and shall continue for the period of time set forth in the Order (the “Term”). If Customer defaults in any payment when due, fails to perform any of its other obligations under this Agreement, becomes the subject of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, or whenever, in LNG’s discretion, there is doubt as to Customer’s financial stability, LNG may, in its sole discretion and without prejudice as to its other lawful remedies, cancel or defer performance and/or demand immediate payment of all of Customer’s outstanding invoices or account balances (plus any additional costs, expenses, losses or damages incurred by it as a result of such cancellation, delay, default or bankruptcy), and/or terminate the Agreement. LNG may also decline to perform Services under any accepted quote or proposal (unless payment is received in advance), and condition future performance against payment of cash in advance. This Agreement may not be cancelled or deferred by Customer unless agreed in advance in writing by LNG. Customer will be responsible for a 10% early termination fee for each Order that is terminated prior to the expiration of the Term.
  2. Site Conditions .
    (a) Customer shall clearly mark and identify boundaries of each Service Location and shall provide LNG, if requested by LNG, a professional survey of the Service Location or cause the Service Location to be staked if reasonably requested by LNG. Customer agrees to provide LNG with written notice of all concealed conditions on the property (including utility facilities). Customer shall notify LNG of, and provide copies upon request, of all environmental or geotechnical studies or similar information in Customer’s possession and control regarding the Service Location(s). The homeowner or customer agrees to allow LNG Landscapes to notify any utility companies (or their representatives) if the Services are, in LNG’s reasonable judgment, likely to affect underground utility lines or facilities, provided that Customer will be responsible for any costs or charges incurred by LNG in connection with such notification and/or any resulting modification to the Services. Customer shall provide LNG (and its subcontractors), utility companies and other similar third parties with access to the Service Location(s) at all reasonable times. (b) An express condition to LNG’s performance of Services is that the Service Location(s) shall at all times be accessible to LNG’s equipment and materials. Customer shall be solely responsible for taking any and all measures necessary to provide LNG with a safe and suitable work environment, including, without limitation, any safety precautions reasonably requested by LNG prior to the provision of the Services. Customer acknowledges that a safe work environment is necessary for the performance of the Services and that LNG may, at LNG’s sole discretion, refuse to perform the Services in a work environment that it reasonably determines to be unsafe or unsuitable (including without limitation, poor site drainage, disrepair of retaining walls, cement or asphalt in walkways or parking surfaces or other site improvements at the Service Location). LNG shall not be liable for any delay in the completion of or inability to complete the Services resulting from Customer’s failure to provide a suitable work environment or legally compliant site.  (c) Pricing in the Order is based on industry standards for services completed. If a site has not been maintained to industry standards, LNG reserves the right to re-quote the services, based on the current condition of the site. 
  1. Warranties .
    LNG represents and warrants that it shall perform the Services: (i) in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, (ii) using personnel of required skill, experience and qualifications, (iii) in a timely, workmanlike and professional manner, (iv) in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and the highest professional and generally acceptable industry standards in the landscape management industry, and to the reasonable satisfaction of Customer. 
  2. Limitation of Liability.
    (a) LNG shall in no event be liable or responsible to Customer for any damages, losses or liabilities arising from: (i) any natural causes or Force Majeure Event (as defined below); (ii) any unseen, unknown or concealed conditions in, on or about the Service Location(s) or any condition at the Service Location(s) that are not caused by the Services performed by LNG; (iii) the performance of Services beyond the boundaries of the Service Location(s) if the boundaries were not properly stake or marked by Customer; (iv) use of products or performance of Services in conformance with any manufacturer directions, guidelines, warranty, standards or recommendations or otherwise in conformance with industry standards; or (v) Customer’s failure to fulfill any of its own obligations or responsibilities under the Agreement. If LNG incurs any cost or expense attributable to any of the foregoing events, conditions or circumstances, such costs and expenses will be deemed “Additional Work” and billed to Customer at LNG’s then-applicable hour rate(s). LNG shall only be liable to Customer for damages, losses, or liabilities caused by the sole, gross negligence or willful misconduct of LNG, its agents, subcontractors or representatives.
    (b) Customer shall indemnify and hold LNG harmless from any losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest penalties, fines, fees, costs or expenses of any whatever kind (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification under this Agreement, and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers) incurred by LNG relating to, arising out of or resulting from: (i) any limitations or restrictions Customer has imposed upon the performance of the Services, or rejection of Services recommended to Customer (whether in the Order or other written communication); or (ii) the site conditions at the Service Location(s) (excluding those caused by LNG).
    (c) IN NO EVENT SHALL LNG BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER CUSTOMER FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR STRICT LIABILITY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DELAY, LOST REVENUE, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL, EVEN IF EARTH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Customer must notify LNG within three (3) business days of any obvious or visible alleged damage resulting from the Services. Failure to report such damages in a timely manner shall constitute a waiver and release of claims relating thereto. Customer’s aggregate recovery from LNG for any claim other than those excluded herein shall not exceed the Fees paid by Customer for the Services giving rise to such claim irrespective of the nature of the claim, whether in contract, tort, warranty or otherwise. If, for any reason, the foregoing limitations are found by a court to be invalid or inapplicable under any applicable state or federal law, Customer agrees that LNG’s total liability for all Losses of any kind or nature shall be limited to actual damages without regard to any punitive or exemplary damages provided by any applicable law. 
  1. Insurance.
    During the Term, LNG shall, at its own expense, maintain and carry insurance in full force and effect which includes, without limitation, commercial general liability and workers’ compensation with financially sound and reputable insurers. Upon Customer’s written request, LNG shall provide Customer with a certificate of insurance from LNG’s insurer evidence such insurance coverage.
  2. Subcontractors.
    LNG shall have the right to hire, and delegate its obligations under this Agreement to, subcontractors to perform the Services under this Agreement, provided that LNG shall remain fully responsible for the performance of all of its obligations under this Agreement and for the performance of its subcontractors and such subcontractors compliance with this Agreement.
  3. Relationship of Parties.
    LNG is, and shall act in all respects as, an independent contractor and shall have exclusive control over the manner and method of performing the Services including the manner in which its subcontractors perform the Services. Nothing herein shall authorize or empower either party to assume or create any obligation or responsibility whatsoever, express or implied, on behalf or in the name of the other party, or to bind the other party in any manner, or make any representation, warranty, or commitment on behalf of the other party. 
  4. Force Majeure.
    LNG shall not be liable to Customer or third parties for any delay in, or failure of, performance caused by acts or circumstances beyond its direct control, including but not limited to acts of God, weather conditions, fire, flood, explosion, war, governmental action, terrorist threats or acts, civil unrest, pandemic, quarantine, major equipment failure, accident, vandalism, labor disputes, strikes, non-performance by a third party, shortage or inability to obtain materials, equipment, power or transportation (each, a “Force Majeure Event”). If delay is caused by any such circumstances, LNG shall have the option to cancel all or any portion of this Agreement and/or extend any date upon which performance hereunder is due, without liability to either party. 
  5. Assignment. 
    Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of LNG. 
  6. Survival. 
    All terms and provisions of this Agreement that should by their nature survive the termination of this Agreement shall so survive. 
  7. Governing Law; Venue; Jurisdiction. 
    This Agreement and performance under it will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, without regard to choice of law principles. Venue and jurisdiction for any action or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be in the state and federal courts located in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The Parties consent to the venue and jurisdiction of such courts and waive any objections to such venue and jurisdiction. In the event of a dispute between the Parties, or if LNG is otherwise forced to engage attorneys regarding any matter arising out of this Agreement, LNG shall be entitled to recover from Customer all reasonable costs incurred including staff time, court costs, attorneys’ fees and other related expenses incurred in LNG’s engagement with such attorneys.
  8. Entire Agreement. 
    These Terms and the Order constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes any and all previous agreements between the Parties, whether written or oral, with respect to such subject matter. No waiver by any Party of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the Party so waiving. If any term or provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any the jurisdiction. 


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